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- Trend Verlag
railOmniverse is an extension to the NVIDIA Omniverse Environment [1]. railOmniverse makes available railroad simulation functionality from the Trend trax library to Windows and Linux platforms.
The general functionality, the trax library provides, is described in this book; an overview is given with the article 'Trax Track Library' [3]
An overview about the actual content of the railOmniverse extension, you'll find on the main page of the railOmniverse Manual [9].
The demo version of railOmniverse [10] is a free version of the extension. It is limited in functionality and is intended to give an impression of the capabilities of the full version. The demo version is available for download.
The manual of the railOmniverse extension you'll find online with the railOmniverse Manual [9].
The tutorials for the railOmniverse extension you'll find in the 'Tutorials' section of the railOmniverse Manual [9].
The videos of the tutorials will apear in the railOmniverse Youtube playlist [13].
Upcoming : railOmniverse 0.12.0.
2024-05-16: railOmniverse 0.12.0.-Demo
2024-05-16: ANLFileConverter[11] can be used with EEPFileConverter[12] to convert EEP layouts to usda.
2024-01-17: NVIDIA Developer Technical Blog article: 'Simulating Railroads with OpenUSD'[2].
2023-12-13: Overview article about railOmniverse: 'railOmniverse'[4].
2023-11-27: Overview article about the trax library: 'The Trax Track Library'[3].
2023-10-16: Started development of trax library 2.0.
2023-10-09: railOmniverse 0.11.0.
Railroading is a never ending endeavour. So we maintain a list of planned features to be realised in upcomming versions of the plugin. The list is alive and roughly ordered by priority;
This does not mean we will do it any time soon. It all depends on demand. So if you have a demand, please let us know ...
On problems, ideas, suggestions and things you desire contact us at: horstmann.marc@trendverlag.de. To sign up for the railOmniverse newsletter, include ‘railNewsletter’ in the subject line.